Web Resources – IPM Programs

National Park Service – Integrated Pest Management Manual is available online its second edition. It provides descriptions of the biology and management of 21 species or categories of pests.

Northeast Document Conservation Center Technical leaflet: Integrated Pest Management

Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education – Integrated Pest Management Checklist.  In the Site Map section scroll down to the section on Bugs, Insects and Pests (IPM)

Information on how to manage pests, educational resources, research and funding for IPM from the University of California Davis

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s “Integrated Pest Management for Schools: A How-to Manual” – is an excellent downloadable resource for finding information on starting an IPM program and to get good boiler-plate templates for documents.  Information is available for specific pest species as well.

On-line tutorial on Library Preservation and Conervation sponsored jointly by the Council of Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Cornell University.  The tutorial has general information on preservation and IPM and specific information for institutions in Asia, including vendor information.

Information on IPM from the Conservation Department of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University

The University of Massachusetts Extension Bookstore also sells additional references.

Penn State School IPM for Educators.  Information on standards, curricula, resources.  Links to organizations that will provide pest identifications.

Colorado State University website.  Entering IPM in their search engine leads to links with information on IPM in western states and more.

The University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension Service.  Information on different common pests as well as extensive links to pesticide information.

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